Thursday, December 13, 2012

3 Nephi Chapter 6

6:5 - "...And now there was nothing in all the land to hinder the people from prospering continually, except they should fall into transgression..."
The only thing stopping prosperity is falling into transgression.
When the people start wanting more, or stealing, then they lose what they have. If they are not grateful, they forget the Lord.
We must always be grateful so we do not forget the Lord either.

6:16 - "...And thus Satan did lead away the hearts of the people to do all manner of iniquity; therefore they had enjoyed peace but a few years..."
Here it is again - a side effect or blessing of faith is having peace.  If we act in faith and keep the commandments, we will have peace - even if it is just peace of mind.

6:17-18 - "...Now they did not sin ignorantly, for they knew the will of God concerning them..."
It is much worse for us if we know the will of God and don't do it than if we had never known.
Righteousness is definitely the way to go.

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