Sunday, December 16, 2012

3 Nephi Chapter 9

9:2 - "...wo unto the inhabitants of the whole earth except they shall repent; for the devil laugheth, and his angels rejoice, because of the slain of the fair sons and daughters of my people..."
They laugh because so many people sin and become angels to a devil (2 Nephi 9:9).  We need to be righteous and keep the commandments, then help others in the same quest.

9:5,7,9,11 - "...that the blood of the prophets and the saints shall not come any more unto me against them..."
The Lord is Just, and due retribution will be dealt out - many times by the wicked themselves.
If we are righteous, the blessings will come eventually.
It's up to us to do what is right.

9:13-14 - "...if ye will come unto me ye shall have eternal life..."
If we want to be healed, we must have faith in Christ and come unto Him.  He will help us and cleanse us as we exercise our faith.  It takes work, yes, but it's worth it!
The Lord has mercy and is always ready to forgive us, if we will just come unto Him.  This implies action.  We must come unto Him.

9:19-20 - "...And ye shall offer up unto me no more the shedding of blood; yea, your sacrifices and your burnt offerings shall be done away, for I will accept none of your sacrifices and your burnt offerings. And ye shall offer for a sacrifice unto me a broken heart and a contrite spirit..."
The law was fulfilled and now they did away with blood sacrifices.
What we do now is sacrifice a broken heart and contrite spirit.
We need to have a change of heart, repent, and forsake our sins.

9:20 - "...the Lamanites, because of their faith in me at the time of their conversion, were baptized with fire and with the Holy Ghost, and they knew it not..."
President Boyd K. Packer expounded upon this idea in the November 2007 Ensign, pg. 8.  He speaks of when he was called to be an assistant to the Twelve Apostles, and they asked him to bear his testimony.  He gave a simple testimony and was surprised when they were pleased.
"It puzzled me for a long time until finally I could see that I already had what was required: an abiding testimony in my heart of the Restoration...through Joseph Smith, that we have a Heavenly Father, and that Jesus Christ is our Redeemer.  I may not have known all about it, but I did have a testimony, and I was willing to learn.

9:22 - "...Therefore, whoso repenteth and cometh unto me as a little child, him will I receive, for of such is the kingdom of God..."
We must become as a little child - not childish, but childlike.  This is how we can take upon us the attributes of Jesus Christ (Mosiah 3:19).

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