Friday, December 14, 2012

3 Nephi Chapter 7

7:15 - "...And it came to pass that Nephi—having been visited by angels and also the voice of the Lord..."
Nephi had been visited by angels and also the voice of the Lord.
We are also visited by the voice of the Lord - at least every six months, then with the Ensign, Stake Conference, etc. (D&C 68:3-4).

7:17-18 - "...And it came to pass that they were angry with him, even because he had greater power than they, for it were not possible that they could disbelieve his words..."
Nephi taught with such power and authority that the people could not disbelieve his words.
It's awesome to have power, especially power like that, but it's much better to use that power righteously.
We will be qualified and receive much needed help.

7:18 - "...And it came to pass that they were angry with him, even because he had greater power than they, for it were not possible that they could disbelieve his words, for so great was his faith on the Lord Jesus Christ that angels did minister unto him daily..."
We can tell if somebody believes what they are saying.  We can also tell if what they are saying is true.
There is a difference. People may preach falsehoods and sincerely believe them.
We must develop the faith to really believe what we preach, but also to have the Holy Ghost witness of the truth.

7:24-26 - "...Now I would have you to remember also, that there were none who were brought unto repentance who were not baptized with water..."
Repentance leads to baptism.
This applies to us in showing that we need to repent daily and take the sacrament each week, renewing our covenants that we made at baptism.
This is how we can continually have faith unto repentance and repentance unto baptism.

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